Regenerate Web server plug-in

After installing BeenThere, you need to regenerate the Web server plug-in. To do so, log on to the WebSphere Administrative Console and select Environment -> Update Web Server Plug-in. Click the OK button to update the plug-in configuration file.

After the operation completes, the plugin-cfg.xml will be updated according to the latest configuration. This file is stored in <WAS_HOME>\config\cells\plugin-cfg.xml on the Deployment Manager machine.

Before distributing the new plug-in file to the two Web servers, you have to change some path information in it: Open plugin-cfg.xml in an editor and change the path to the files plugin-key.kdb and plugin-key.sth for all servers. In plugin-cfg.xml, the path will be C:\WebSphere\DeploymentManager\etc.

This should be replaced by C:\WebSphere\AppServer\etc, which is the default location of the mentioned files on the Web servers. See Example 7-3. After making these changes, copy the modified plugin-cfg.xml to the Web servers. They should be copied to the directory <WAS_HOME>\config\cells.

Example 7-3 Modifying the generated plugin-cfg.xml

generated plugin-cfg.xml
<Property name="keyring" value="C:\WebSphere\DeploymentManager\etc\plugin-key.kdb"/>
<Property name="stashfile" value="C:\WebSphere\DeploymentManager\etc\plugin-key.sth"/>

modified plugin-cfg.xml
<Property name="keyring" value="C:\WebSphere\AppServer\etc\plugin-key.kdb"/>
<Property name="stashfile" value="C:\WebSphere\AppServer\etc\plugin-key.sth"/>

AIX: On AIX, you also have to change the plugin-cfg.xml file before distributing it to the Web servers. Change the path of the plugin-key.kdb and plugin-key.sth files from /usr/WebSphere/DeploymentManager/etc/ to /usr/WebSphere/AppServer/etc/.

After making the changes, copy the modified plugin-cfg.xml to the Web servers. They have to be copied to /usr/WebSphere/AppServer/config/cells.

Alternatively you can regenerate the Web server plug-in from the command line on the Deployment Manager machine directly to where the Web servers are by specifying a couple of additional parameters as shown in Example 7-4. This example assumes you mapped the Web server as drive "P" on your Windows machine.

Example 7-4 Regenerating Web server plug-in from the Deployment Manager machine

C:\WebSphere\DeploymentManager\bin>GenPluginCfg.bat  -destination.root C:\WebSphere\AppServer -destination.operating.system windows "p:\WebSphere\AppServer\config\cells\plugin-cfg.xml"

Note On a Unix system, you can regenerate the Web server plug-in as shown in Example 7-5.

Example 7-5 Generating Web server plug-in for Unix systems

dm:root # GenPluginCfg.bat  -destination.root /usr/WebSphere/AppServer -destination.operating.system unix "/<dest_web_server_config_cell>/plugin-cfg.xml"

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